About company

ANICON is a Russian scientific research and engineering technology company which specializes in creation of electronic devices and software and hardware complexes, automation of housing services and utilities and engineering infrastructure.
We use our own unique system of development process organizing, based on the models of lean production, which allows the end customer economizing the resources without losses in quality of work performance.
The Company has been performing its activities since 2015, uniting in its team the top class professionals. The wide network of partners all over the world provides for our clients the guarantee of complete cycle of order execution.

Our Achievements

  • Participant of Skolkovo, “Energo-Tech” cluster
  • The Skolkovo Tech park collective use center
  • 1st place in the Startup Tour competition 2016 (Krasnodar) with the “SmartAgro” project
  • 1st place in the Startup Tour competition 2017 (Astrakhan) with the OraCar project
  • Special nomination from the SAP Company in the startup competition for Startup Village, 2016
  • The finalist of the SmartCity track of the federal accelerator GenerationS, 2015
  • Special nomination from the “Gazprom Neft” in the federal accelerator GenerationS, Power&Energy track, 2018

They trust us

The “Volga Riviera” residential complex, over 150 apartments in the elite exclusive construction area.

The “Heart of Caspian” residential complex, 270 apartments in a 15-storey residential house.

Wireless water meters, impulse-number data collection from all electric power meters. Installation, adjustment and adaptation of the system were performed.
The “Progress” residential complex – 102 control points of electric power, cold water and gas consumption.

Contact Information
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Legal address: Russian Federation, 143026, Moscow, territory of the “Skolkovo” innovation center, Malevich St., 1.
  • Actual/postal address: Russian Federation, 414024, Astrakhan region, Astrakhan city, Bakinskaya St., house 79-81/22/28
  • We work with any regions and countries. Cash and non-cash payment, conclusion of agreements, NDA.