
The ANICON Company specializes in creation of:

  • prototyping of printed boards and electronic devices “turn-key ready” – from the idea to the product
  • cases and carrying structures
  • professional dummies for any spheres, using both traditional and modern implementation means. The possibility of the finishing shakeup of models and prototypes (polishing, painting, texture mapping) provides the highest quality and professional service
Contact Information
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Legal address: Russian Federation, 143026, Moscow, territory of the “Skolkovo” innovation center, Malevich St., 1.
  • Actual/postal address: Russian Federation, 414024, Astrakhan region, Astrakhan city, Bakinskaya St., house 79-81/22/28
  • We work with any regions and countries. Cash and non-cash payment, conclusion of agreements, NDA.